Kayarchy doesn't sell books, but there are many who do. Some specialist kayaking books are available only from a single source. See Books & Magazines.
This 2009 book list was kindly provided by Paul Caffyn, sea kayaking circumnavigator and a writer and publisher himself.
He recounts his kayaking experiences in Obscured By Waves, Cresting The Restless Waves, Dark Side Of The Wave and The Dreamtime Voyage. For more about his own books, go to his own website.
When we figure out how, we'll put the book list online as a PDF. In the meantime, here's an html version. Each entry sets out the author's name; book title; ISBN number, publisher; hardback or softback.
Paul says:
The following list from my modest collection shows a range of what is available in various specialist fields, historical, technical, narratives, guides, military etc. Most older books are now only available from secondhand bookshops but worldwide there are several mail order book suppliers specializing in new and secondhand kayaking and canoeing books. Some of the old classics, such as A Dangerous River have fortunately been reprinted in recent years.
Canoe & Outdoor World in Christchurch carries a good selection of kayaking and canoeing books. Boat Books in Auckland carry a comprehensive range of marine literature and a selection of paddling books (www.boatbooks.co.nz). Amazon Books in the USA carries a list of sea kayaking titles (www.amazon.com).
Technical manuals
Alderson, Doug Sea Kayaker's Savvy Paddler 2001 0 07 136203 7 Ragged Mtn. Pr. USA s/b
B.C.U. Canoeing Handbook 1983 0 900082 03 8 British Canoe Union s/b
Blandford, Percy W Canoes and Canoeing 1962 -Lutterworth Pr. UK HB
Brown, Gordon Sea Kayak (manual for intermediate/advanced) 2007 0 9547061 7 X Pesda Press UK s/b
Broze/Gronseth Sea Kayaker - Deep Trouble (Bugger! stories) 1997 0 07 008499 8 Ragged Mtn. Pr. USA s/b
Burch, David Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation 1987 0 931397 06 5 Pacific Search USA s/b
Bull, John Sail Your Canoe 1989 0 904405 94 X Cordee UK s/b
Byde, Alan Beginner's Guide to Canoeing - 3rd impr. 1977 0 7207 0628 9 Pelham Books UK HB
Byde, Alan Living Canoeing - 2nd edition 1975 0 7136 1291 6 Adams & Black UK HB
Caffyn, P. Editor The KASK Handbook - 4th edition 2006 0 9583585-0-8 KASK NZ s/b
Daniel, Linda Kayak Cookery 1988 0 914718 74 6 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Diaz, Ralph Complete Folding Kayaker 1994 0 07 017634 6 Ragged Mtn. Pr. USA s/b
Dowd, John Sea Kayaking 1981 0 88894 305 9 Douglas etc Can. s/b
Dowd, John Sea Kayaking 5th revised edition 2004 1 55054 976 6 Greystone Bks USA s/b
Dutky, Paul The Bombproof Roll and Beyond 1993 0 89732 085 9 Menasha Pr USA s/b
Ferrero, Franco Sea Kayak Navigation 1999 0 9531956 1 9 Pesda Press UK s/b
Foster, Nigel Canoeing - A Beginners Guide to the Kayak 1990 0 906754 50 X Fernhurst Books UK s/b
Foster, Nigel Nigel Foster's Sea Kayaking 2nd edition 1997 0 7627 0132 3 Fernhurst Books UK s/b
Hanson, Jonathan Complete Sea Kayak Touring 1998 0 07 026204 7 Ragged Mtn Pr. USA s/b
Hanson, Jonathan Sea Kayaking Outside Adventure Travel 2001 0 393 32070 7 Norton USA s/b
Harrison, David Sea Kayaking Basics 1993 0 688 12243 4 Hearst Marine USA s/b
Howe, Kerry Coastal Sea Kayaking 2005 1 86966 090 0 New Holland NZ s/b
Hutchinson, Derek Sea Canoeing 3rd edition 1984 0 7136 2431 0 Adam & C Black UK HB
Hutchinson, Derek Guide to Sea Kayaking 1985 0 931397 00 6 Pacific Search Pr. USA s/b
Hutchinson, Derek Rolling for Survival 1988 0 7136 5615 8 A & C Black UK s/b
Hutchinson, Derek The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking 1994 0 7136 3835 4 A & C Black UK s/b
Hutchinson, Derek Guide to Expedition Kayaking Sea/Open Water 1995 1 56440 721 7 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Johnson, Shelley Sea Kayaking. Woman's Guide to 1998 0 07 032955 9 Ragged Mtn Pr. USA s/b
Johnson, Shelley The Complete Sea Kayaker's Handbook 2002 0 07 136210 X Ragged Mtn USA s/b
Kellogg, Zip (Ed) The Whole Paddler's Catalog 1997 0 07 033901 5 Ragged Mtn Pr. USA p/b
Kissner, J. Foldboat vacations. (Guide to Foldboating) 1940 -Greystone Pr. USA HB
Kuhne, Cecil The Kayaking Sourcebook 1998 0 7627 0189 7 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Loots, Johan Sea Kayaking. Essential Guide to equipment 2000 0 8117 2921 4 Stackpole Bks USA s/b
Lull, John Sea Kayaking Safety & Rescue 2001 0 89997 274 8 Wilderness Pr. USA s/b
Luscombe & Bird Canoeing 1948 -Adams & Black UK HB
Matthews, Alex Sea Kayaking Rough Waters 2006 1 896980 26 3 Heliconia Pr Canada s/b
Mytton-Davies, Peter Canoeing for Beginners 1971 0 236 17613 7 Elek Books UK HB
Ramwell, J.J Sea Touring 1978 0 905331 02 8 Self Publish s/b
Robinson & Richardson Sea Kayaking 2007 1 86126 827 3 Crowood Pt UK s/b
Robison, John Sea Kayaking Illustrated - Visual Guide 2003 0 07 139234 3 McGrawHill USA s/b
Russell, M. Starting Canoeing (folding kayak manual) 1959 -Coles UK s/b
Sanders, William Guide to Inflatable Canoes & Kayaks 1979 0 89037 209 8 World. Publ. USA s/b
Schuman & Shriner Sea Kayak Rescue 2001 0 7627 0745 3 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Seidman, David The Essential Sea Kayaker 1992 0 87742 305 9 Int. Marine USA s/b
Snaith, Skip Umiak An Illustrated Guide 1997 0 9658725 9 9 Walrose & Hyde USA s/b
Soares & Power Extreme Sea Kayaking 1999 0 07 050718 X Ragged Mtn Pr. USA s/b
Stuhaug, Dennis Kayaking Made Easy 1995 1 56440 638 5 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Washburne, Randel The Coastal Kayaker's Manual 2nd edition 1993 0 56440 153 7 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Williams, P F Canoeing Skills & Expeditions etc. 1976 7207 0036 1 Pelham Books UK HB
Kayak building
Byde, Alan Canoe Building in GRP 1974 0 7136 1457 9 Adams & Black UK HB
Byde, Alan Canoe Design and Constuction 1975 0 7136 1291 6 Pelham Bks UK HB
Cunningham, Chris Building the Greenland Kayak 2003 0 07 139237 8 Ragged Mtn.Pr USA s/b
Petersen, H C, Instruction in Kayak Building (Greenland) 1981 87 558 0841 7 Grønland Museum s/b. To buy, see Books & Magazines.
Putz, George Wood and Canvas Kayak Building 1990 0 87742 258 3 Int. Marine. USA s/b
Starr, Mark Building a Greenland Kayak 2002 0 913372 96 X Mystic Museum USA s/b
Walbridge, Charles Boat Builders Manual - 6th revised ddition 1987 0 89732 022 0 Menasha Ridge USA s/b
Sea kayaking narratives
Blades, Michael Day of Two Sunsets ( B.C., Canada) 1993 1 55143 001 0 Orca Pub. Canada s/b
Bloomfield, Brewster Australian Kayak Expedition (Tasmania 1979) 1979 -Authors s/b
Bolland, Terry Kimberley Challenge (NW Australia) 1991? -Terry Bolland s/b
Bowermaster, Jon Birthplace of the Winds (Aleutian Islands) 2000 0 7922 7506 3 Nat. Geog. Adv. USA HB
Bowermaster, Jon Aleutian Adventure 2001 0 7922 7999 9 Nat. Geog. Soc. USA HB
Caffyn, Paul Obscured by Waves (South Island, NZ) 1979 0 86868 002 8 John McIndoe NZ s/b
Caffyn, Paul Dark Side of the Wave (Stewart Island, NZ) 1986 0 9597823 1 1 NZCA/Caffyn NZ s/b
Caffyn, Paul Cresting the Restless Waves (North Island, NZ) 1987 0 9597823 0 3 NZCA/Caffyn NZ s/b
Caffyn, Paul The Dreamtime Voyage (Australia) 1994 0 473 02349 0 Kayak Dundee Pr. NZ HBs/b
Caffyn, Paul Obscured by Waves 2nd. Edition 2005 0 9583584 0 0 Kayak Dundee Pr. NZ HBs/b
Campbell, Ken Shades of Gray (sea kayaking W.Washington) 1999 -Ex Press Bks USA s/b
Campbell, Ken Around the Rock. Newfoundland 2000 2004 0 9745192 3 5 Little Bay Pr.USA s/b
Carey, Robin Baja Journey 1989 0 89096 392 4 Texas Uni.Pr. s/b
Chapple, Steve Kayaking the Full Moon - Yellow Stone R. 1993 0 06 092507 8 Harper Collins p/b
Charles, Jones, Waters The Frozen Coast - Antarctic Peninsula 2004 1 877333 13 1 Craig Potton NZ HB
Charles, Jones, Waters Unclaimed Coast - Around South Georgia 2007 0 14 300732 6 Penguin s/b
Coffey, Maria Visions of the Wild (Vancouver Island BC) 2001 1 55017 264 6 Harbour Pub. Can. HB
Darack, Ed Wind. Water. Sun. (Solo Baja kayak trip) 1998 1 881663 08 6 Poudre Canyon USA HB
Duff, Chris On Celtic Tides (Solo around Ireland) 1999 0 312 20508 2 St. Martins Pr. USA HB
Duff, Chris Southern Exposure (South Island solo) 2003 0 7627 2595 8 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Dupre, Lonnie Greenland Expedition Where Ice is Born 2000 1 55971 707 6 NorthWord Canada HB
Fons, Valerie Keep it Moving (Western USA) 1986 0 89886 101 2 Mountaineers USA HB
Fredstone, Jill Rowing to Latitude Arctic Edge Journeys 2001 0 374 28180 7 Nth. Point Pr. USA HB
Hahn, Jennifer Spirited Waters (Inside Passage, Canada) 2001 0 89886 744 4 Mountaineers USA HB
Jardine, Ray Siku Kayak (Paddling Arctic Alaskan coast) 2005 0 9632359 6 6 Advent.Lore Pr.USA sb
Jason, Victoria Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak (NW Passage) 1995 0 88801 201 2 Turnstone Pr. Canada HB
Johnston & Nicholson Blue Water Summer (BC Alaska) 1986 09511842 0 2 Orca Publ. UK s/b
Kramer, Joel P. Beyond Fear (across New Guinea; inflatable) 1995 0 9648818 0 2 Above & Beyond USA s/b
Lamb, Dana Enchanted Vagabonds (San Diego to Panama) 1938 -Harper & Bros. USA HB
Lindemann, Hannes Alone at Sea (dugout/kayak Atlantic crossings) 1958 -Random House USA HB
Lindemann, Hannes Alone at Sea (dugout/kayak Atlantic crossings) 1993 3 925660 27 5 Polner Verklag Ger. s/b
Linnea, Ann Deep Water Passage - A Spiritual Journey... 1995 0 316 52683 5 Little Brown & Co HB
Lloyd-Jones, Robin Argonauts of the Western Isles (W. Scotland) 1989 0 906371 03 1 Diadem Bks, UK HB
McGuffin, Gary & J Superior Journeys on An Inland Sea 1996 1 55971 483 2 NorthWord Pr. Canada HB
Memminger, Hans Die Arktis im Kajak (NW Passage) 1990 3 475 52669 7 Rosenheimer. Germ. HB
Rasmussen, Greg Kayaking in Paradise (Inside Passage Alaska) 1997 1 55110 633 7 Whitecap Bks Can. HB
Reseck Jr, John We Survived Yesterday (San Diego to Baja) 1994 1 882180 18 6 Griffin Publ. USA s/b
Ricks, Byron Homelands Kayaking the Inside Passage 1999 0 380 80918 4 Avon Books USA s/b
Ridgway, Rebecca Something Amazing (Cape Horn) 1993 0 340 57480 1 Hodder & Stoughton HB
Rogers, Joel W The Hidden Coast (Nth. American West Coast) 1991 0 88240 403 2 Alaska NW Bks. USA s/b
Starkell, Don Paddle to the Arctic (NW Passage) 1995 0 7710 8239 8 McClelland etc. Can. HB
Steel, Stephanie Harvest of Light (Canada B.C.) 1991 0 920501 64 8 Orca Bks Canada s/b
Sutherland, Audrey Paddling My Own Canoe (Hawaii) 1978 0 8248 0618 2 Univ. Press Hawaii HB
Taylor, Bill Commitment and Open Crossings (G.B.) 1990 0 906371 73 2 Diadem Bks. UK HB
Teece, Philip A Dream of Islands (Canada B.C.) 1988 0 920501 14 1 Orca Bks Canada HB
Turk, Jon Cold Oceans (Cape Horn, NW Passage) 1998 0 06 019147 3 Harper Collins USA HB
Waterman, Jonathan Kayaking the Vermilion Sea (Baja) 1995 0 684 80338 0 Touchstone USA s/b
Waterman, Jonathan Arctic Crossing. NW Passage & Inuit Culture 2001 0 375 40409 0 Alfred Knopf USA HB
Williams, Scott B. On Island Time (Caribbean) 2005 1 57806 747 2 Mississippi Univ. Pr s/b
Wilson, Brian Blazing Paddles (Around Scotland by Kayak) 1988 0 946609 59 4 Oxford Illus. Pr. UK HB
Wilson, Brian Dance with Waves (Around Ireland) 1998 0 86278 551 0 O'Brien Pr. Ireland s/b
Military kayaking
Connel, Brian Return of the Tiger (Jaywick/Rimau raids) 1961 -Evan Bros Ltd UK HB
Courtney, G.B. SBS in World War Two 1983 7090 1291 8 Robert Hale UK HB
Ladd, James D. SBS The Invisible Raiders (Special Boat Sqn.) 1983 0 85368 593 2 Book Club Ass GB HB
Lodwick, John Raiders from the Sea (SBS WW2) 1990 1 85367 068 5 Greenhill Bks. GB HB
McKie, Ronald The Heroes (Jaywick/Rimau raids) 1960 -Angus & Robertson HB
Phillips, Lucas Cockleshell Heroes (France, WW2) 1956 -Heinemann UK HB
Silver. Lynette The Heroes of Rimau (Jaywick/Rimau raids) 1990 1 86351 018 4 Sally Milner Aust. s/b
Sparks, William The Last of the Cockleshell Heroes 1992 1 85695 125 1 ISIS Transaction USA HB
Thompson & Macklin Kill the Tiger (Operation Rimau) 2002 0 7336 1448 5 Hodder Aust. s/b
Wynyard, Noel Winning Hazard (Operation Jaywick) 1945+ - Sampson, Low UK HB
Foldboat narratives (rivers & sea)
Cantin, Eugene Yukon Summer 1973 0 87701 043 9 Chronicle Bks USAH/B
Coffey, Maria A Boat in Our Baggage 1994 0 316 90770 7 Little, Brown UK H/B
Coffey, Maria A Boat in Our Baggage 1994 0 349 10631 2 Abacus Travel GB s/b
Cundy, Robert Beacon Six (Back River, Canada) 1970 413 26300 2 Eyre&Spottiswood UK HB
Davy, Andre 4,000 Miles of Adventure (Nile River) 1958 -Robert Hale UK HB
Fairfax, John Run O'Waters (Australia) 1952? John Sands Aust. HB
Goddard, John Kayaks Down the Nile (Nile River) 1979 0 8425 1575 5 Brigham Univ. USA HB
Jenkins, Mark To Timbuktu. A Journey Down the Niger 1997 0 688 11585 3 William Morrow USA HB
Nickerson, E.B. Kayaks to the Arctic (Mackenzie River) 1970 0 8310 7065 X Howell North USA HB
Player, Ian Men, Rivers and Canoes (Natal; race to Durban) 1964 -Simondium SAfrica HB
Rice, Larry Gathering Paradise (Alaska wilderness) 1990 1 55591 057 2 Fulcrum Publ. USA s/b
Rice, Larry Baja to Patagonia 1993 1 55591 113 7 Fulcrum Publ. USA s/b
Seal, Gabriel Canoe Touring Abroad (rivers of Fr. & Germ) 1961 7091 0950 4 R Hale UK HB
Simpson, Myrtle Vikings, Scots and Scraelings (W. Greenland) 1977 0 575 02208 6 Victor Gollancz UK HB
Theroux, Paul The Happy Isles of Oceania (Pacific) 1992 0 399 13726 2 G.P.Putnam NY USA HB
Bannon & Giffen Sea Kayaking in the Carolinas 1997 0 9648584 3 6 Out There Pr. USA s/b
Bannon, James Sea Kayaking Florida & Georgia Sea Islands 1998 0 9648584 5 2 Out There Pr. USA s/b
Ferguson, Alex Sea Kayaker's Guide Tasman Bay & Marl Snds 1993 0 473 01778 4 Sealand Pub. NZ s/b
Ferguson, Alex Sea Kayaker's Guide to N.Z.'s South Island 2002 1 86966 009 9 New Holland. NZ s/b
Gluckman, David Sea Kayaking in Florida 1995 1 56164 071 9 Pineapple Press s/b
Howard, Jim Guide to Sea Kayaking in Southeast Alaska 1999 0 7627 0409 8 Globe Pequot USA s/b
Ince & Kottner Sea Kayaking Canada's West Coast 1982 0 9691064 0 8 Raxas Bks. Can s/b
Maire, Vincent Sea Kayaker's Guide to NZ's Upper North Is. 2001 1 877246 71 9 New Holland s/b
Miller, Robert H. Kayaking the Inside Passage (to Alaska) 2005 0 88150 642 7 Countryman Pr USA s/b
Romano-Lax, A Sea Kayaking in Baja 1995 0 89997 157 1 Wilderness Pr. USA s/b
Sutherland, Audrey Paddling Hawai'i 1988 0 89886 180 2 Mtn'eers, SeattleUSA s/b
Twardock, Paul Kayaking & Camping in Prince William Sound 2004 1 879900 14 1 PWS Bks, Alaska s/b
Wachob, Bruce Sea Kayaking in the Florida Keys 1997 1 56164 142 1 Pineapple Pr. USA s/b
Early touring
Dunnett, Alastair Quest by Canoe Glasgow to Skye 1959 -Travel Bk. Club UK HB
MacGregor, J The Rob Roy on the Jordan 1869 -John Murray UK HB
MacGregor, J A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe
1894 -Sampson, Low etc HB
Raven-Hart, R Canoe Errant (European waterways) 1935 -John Murray UK HB
Raven-Hart, R Canoe Errant on the Nile 1936 -John Murray UK HB
Raven-Hart, R Canoe to Mandalay 1939 -Fred. Muller UK HB
Raven-Hart, R Canoe in Australia 1948 -Georgian House A HB
Stevenson, Robert L. An Inland Voyage 1925 -Chatto &Windus UK HB
Wilson, John Canoeing Down the Rhone 1957 -Chapman & Hall UK HB
Sea kayaking / canoeing anthologies
Kuhne, Cecil (Editor) The Armchair Paddler, Canoeing, kayaking... 2000 0 89732 329 7 Menasha RidgeUSA s/c
Lewis, Linda (Editor) Water's Edge - Women Who Push the Limits ... 1992 1 878067 18 4 Seal Press USA s/b
Niemi & Wieser (Eds) Rivers Running Free - Women's Canoeing ... 1997 1 878067 90 7 Seal Press USA s/b
Nordby, Will (Editor) Seekers of the Horizon 1989 0 87106 634 3 Globe Pequot USA HB
Story, Terry (Editor) Raging Rivers Stormy Seas (Chapt. on Iceland) 1989 0 946609 60 8 Oxford Illus Pr. HB
Canoeing narratives
Anderson, Scott Distant Fires. (Duluth to Hudson Bay by canoe) 1990 0 938586 33 5 Pfeifer Hamilton USA s/b
Browning, Peter The Last Wilderness (NW Territories) 1989 0 944220 03 7 Great West Bks. USA s/b
Davidson & Rugge Great Heart (Labrador 1903 & 1905) 1988 0 670 81950 6 Viking USA HB
Gordon, George B In the Alaskan Wilderness 1917 -J.C.Windston USA HB
Halsey, David Magnetic North - Trans Canada canoeing 1990 0 87156 746 6 Sierra Club USA HB
Harrison, John Off the Map (Canoeing in French Guiana) 2001 1 55652 519 2 Chicago Rev Pr s/b
Helmericks, C. & H. Our Summer with the Eskimos 1948 -Little, Brown USA HB
Helmericks, C. Down the Wild River North (Peace R., Canada) 1969 0 09 096349 7 L.Frewin UK HB
Hildebrand, John Reading the River (Yukon R) 1988 0 395 42480 1 Houghton/Mif. USA HB
Hubbard, Mrs L. A Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador 1908 -McLure Co. USA HB
Jerome, Christine An Adirondack Passage 1998 0 935272 94 1 Adirondack Mtn. Cl s/b
Johnson, Beth Yukon Wild. (four women, Yukon R. by canoe) 1984 0 912944 78 1 Berkshire Tr.Pr.USA s/b
Kesselheim, Alan S. Water and Sky. (N. Canada by canoe) 1989 0 7737 2321 8 Stoddart Canada. HB
Kesselheim, Alan Going Inside (Arctic Canada) 1994 0 7710 4450 X McClelland & Stewart HB
Lourie, Peter River of Mountains (Hudson River) 1995 0 8156 0315 0 Syracuse Univer. USA HB
Mackay, John Wild Rivers. Lakes & rivers of New Zealand. 1978 0 340 23664 7 Hodder & Stoughton HB
Norment, Christopher In the North of Our Lives (N. Canada/canoeing) 1989 0 89272 269X Down East Bks USA HB
Patterson, R.M. A Dangerous River (Nahanni R) 1954 -W. Sloane NY HB
Patterson, R.M. A Dangerous River (Nahanni R) Reprint. 1990 0 930031 26 1 Chelsea Green USA s/b
Tamelen, Jon P. van Canada By Canoe (BC to Quebec) 1972 -Jon P.Van Tamelen s/b
Perkins, Robert Against Straight Lines - Alone in Labrador 1983 0 316 69930 6 Little Brown USA HB
McGuffin, G & J Where Rivers Run (Across Canada to Tuk) 1988 0 7737 2207-6 Stoddart. Canada HB
Raffan, James Summer North of Sixty (Arctic Canada) 1990 1 55013 224 5 Key Porter Canada HB
Sevareid, Arnold Canoeing with the Cree (North to Hudson Bay) 1935 -Macmillan Co, USA HB
Steber, Rick New York to Nome 1987 0 88427 073 4 North River Pr USA HB
Starkell, Don Paddle to the Amazon (Canada to S. America) 1994 0 7710 8256 8 McClelland.. Canada s/b
Wallace, Dillon The Lure of the Labrador Wild 1907 -Fleming H Revell USA HB
Wallace, Dillon The Long Labrador Trail 1905 -Outing Pub. Co. USA HB
Wise, Ken C. Cruise of the Blue Flujin. Seattle to Alaska. 1987 0 9611596 6 9 Wilderness Adv. USA HB
Brower, Kenneth The Starship and the Canoe (George Dyson) 1978 0 233 97240 4 Whizzard Pr UK HB
Hodder, Edwin John MacGregor Rob Roy 1894 -Hodder Bros UK HB
Ridgway, John Gino Watkins 1974 0 19 273136 X Oxford Univ. Pr. UK HB
Scott J.M. Gino Watkins 1935 -Hodder & Stoughton HB
Southby-Tailyour, E Blondie - biography of Blondie Hasler 1998 0 85052 516 0 Leo Cooper UK HB
Adney & Chapelle Bark Canoes & Skin Boats of North America 1964 -Smithsonian USA HB
Adney & Chapelle Bark Canoes & Skin Boats of N. Am. reprint 1983 0 87474 204 8 Smithsonian USA HB
Arima, Eugene Y. Contextual Study Caribou Eskimo Kayak 1975 -Nat. Mus. Canada s/b
Arima, E.Y. Inuit Kayaks in Canada. Review of Records ... 1987 0 660 10764 3 Nat. Mus. Canada s/b
Arima, E.Y. (Editor) Contributions to Kayak Studies 1991 0 660 12913 2 Canadian Museum s/b
Best, Elsdon The Maori Canoe 1976 -Govt. Printer NZ HB
Brand, John The Little Kayak Book (museum kayak surveys) 1984 0 9510075 0 5 John Brand UK. s/b . To buy, see Books & Magazines.
Brand, John The Little Kayak Book Part II 1987 0 951 0075 0 5 John Brand UK s/b. To buy, see Books & Magazines.
Brand, John The Little Kayak Book Part III 1988 0 951 0075 0 5 John Brand UK s/b. To buy, see Books & Magazines.
Braund, Stephen The Skin Boats of St Lawrence Is (Umiaks) 1988 0 295 96674 2 Univ Wash Pr. USA HB
Brinck, Wolfgang The Aleutian Kayak (Origins, construction..) 1995 0 07 007893 9 Ragged Mtn Pr. USA s/b
Dyson, George Baidarka 1986 0 88240 315 X Alaska NW USA s/b
Durham, Bill Canoes & Kayaks of Western America 1975 0 8466 4073 2 Copper Canoe Pr. s/b
Fyfe, M.E. History of NZ Canoeing 1840 - 1972 1972 -M.E. Fyfe s/b
Golden, Harvey Kayaks of Greenland - History etc 1600 - 2000 2006 0 9787221 0 8 Auuthor USA s/b
Heath, JD & Arima, E Eastern Arctic Kayaks - History, Design... 2004 1 889963 25 9 Univ. Alaska Press HB
Irwin, R. Stephen Hunters of the Ice (hunting fishing techniques) 1984 0 88839 179 X Hancock House USA s/b
Jennings. John The Canoe A Living Tradition 2002 1 55209 509 6 Firefl y Canada HB
Laughlin, William Aleuts - Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge 1980 0 03 081269 0 Holt, Rinehart USA s/b
Longyard, William H A Speck on the Sea (epic voyages, small boats) 2003 0 07 144029 1 McGrawHill USA s/b
Nooter, Gert Old Kayaks in the Nederlands 1971 90 04 03431 5 EJ Brill Nederlands s/b
Nooter, Gert Leadership & Headship E. Greenland 1976 90 04 04866 9 EJ Brill Nederlands s/b
Petersen, H.C. Skinboats of Greenland 1986 87 85180 084 Denmark Museum HB
Roberts & Shackleton The Canoe 1983 0 87742 175 7 Int. Marine USA HB
Steinbright, Jan Qayaqs & Canoes Native Ways of Knowing 2001 0 9709164 0 X Alaska Native Heritage HB
Zimmerly, David Qajaq - Kayaks of Siberia & Alaska 2000 1 889963 10 0 Univ.Alaska Pr. USA s/b
Historical references to kayaks and/or photographs
Birket-Smith, Kaj Eskimos (Greenland) 1971 -Crown Publishers USA HB
Bruemmer, Fred Arctic Memories. Living with the Inuit 1993 1 55013 461 2 Key Porter Canada HB
Bruemmer, Fred The Narwhal. Unicorn of the Sea 1997? 1 85310 365 9 Swan Hill Press HB
Dumond, Don, E The Eskimos and Aleuts 1987 0 500 27479 7 Thames&Hudson USA HB
Laguna, Frederica de Voyage to Greenland 1977 0 393 06413 1 WW Norton USA HB
Lindsay, Martin Those Greenland Days (1930 Watkins Exped.) 1932 -W Blackwood UK HB
McCracken, Harold Hunters of the Stormy Sea (Aleut kayakers) 1957 -Oldbourne UK HB
Morrison & Germain INUIT. Glimpses on an Arctic Past 1995 2 89111 642 9 Canadian Museum HB
Nansen, Fridtjof Eskimo Life (W.Greenland, chapts. III & IV) 1893 -Longman, Green USA HB
Nansen, Fridtjof The First Crossing of Greenland 1896 -Longman, Green UK HB
Nelson, E.W. The Eskimos About Bering Strait 1983 0 87474 671 X Smithsonian USA s/b
Ray, Dorothy Jean The Eskimos of Bering Strait 1650-1898 1992 0 295 97122 3 Univ.Washington Pr. s/b
Scott J.M. The Land that God Gave Cain (2nd Watkin's Ex) 1933 -Chatto & Windus UK HB
Smithsonian Inst. Handbook of N. American Indians Vol.5 Arctic 1984 -Smithsonian USA HB
Spencer Chapman Northern Lights (1930/31 Exped.Greenland) 1934 -Chatto & Windus UK HB
Spencer Chapman Watkins' Last Expedition (1932/33 Expedition) 1934 -Chatto & Windus UK HB
Valin, W.B. van Eskimoland Speaks (King Island kayaks) 1945 -Museum Press UK HB
Vick, Ann The Cama-i Book (SW Alaska) 1983 0 385 15212 4 Anchor Press USA s/b
Zimmerly, David Qajaq - Kayaks of Siberia & Alaska 2000 1 889963 10 0 Univ.Alaska Pr. USA s/b
New Zealand coastal history & reference books
Baker, Alan N. Whales & Dolphins of NZ & Australia. 1983 0 86473 002 0 Victoria Univ. Press s/b
Begg, A.C. & N.C. Dusky Bay (Dusky Sound, Fiordland) 1966 -Whitcombe & Tombs HB
Begg, A.C. & N.C. Port Preservation (Fiordland) 1973 0 7233 0379 7 Whitcombe & Tombs HB
Begg, A.C. & N.C. The World of John Boultbee (Foveaux Strait) 1979 0 7233 0604 4 Whitcoulls NZ HB
Hall-Jones, John Fiordland Explored (history) 1976 0 589 00973 7 A.H & A.W. Reed HB
Hall-Jones, John Doubtfull Harbour (Doubtful Sound) 1984 0 908629 14 1 Craigs NZ s/b
Hall-Jones, John Stewart Island Explored (history) 1994 0 908629 42 7 Craigs NZ HB
Hall-Jones, John The Fjords of Fiordland (pictorial history) 2002 0 908629 56 7 Craigs NZ HB
Howard, Basil Rakiura (History of Stewart Island) 1940 -Reed NZ HB
Owen, Bill Bay of Plenty Coast. C. Colville to Runaway 1986 0 00 217574 6 Collins NZ s/b
Pilots for Australasia
Hydrographic Dept. New Zealand Pilot 13th ed. NP.51 1971 -Hydrographer Navy HB
Hydrographic Dept. Australia Pilot Vol.I, NP.13, 6th ed. 1973 -Hydrographer Navy HB
South coast from Cape Leeuwin to Green Point
Hydrographic Dept. Australia Pilot Vol II, NP.14, 5th ed. 1969 -Hydrographer Navy HB
South-east Aust., Bass Strait & Tasmania
Hydrographic Dept. Australia Pilot Vol. III NP.15, 6th ed. 1973 -Hydrographer Navy HB
East Coast, Sydney north to Torres Strait
Hydrographic Dept. Australia Pilot Vol. IV, NP.16, 5th ed. 1962 -Hydrographer Navy HB
East coast Queensland, Sandy Cape to Cape York
Hydrographic Dept. Australia Pilot Vol.V, NP. 17, 6th ed. 1972 -Hydrographer Navy HB
North, NW & West coasts, Torres Strait to Cape Leeuwin
Sea kayaking magazines
Sea Kayaker; USA; first printed 1984; 6 issues per year; US$33.95 per year sub. from PO Box 17029, Seattle, WA. 98107-0729. USA, or available from NZ kayak shops. Website: www.seakayakermag.com email: subscriptions@seakayakermag.com
Paul Caffyn's recommended reading list:
For paddlers inspired by a good narrative or seeking the latest instruction manual on rescues, there is much to choose from. Many of the listed books have been reviewed in The Sea Canoeist Newsletter. Below is the editor's choice, either favorite narratives or highly recommended for technical content. See listing for publishers and ISBN number.
Narratives, still available or softback reprints:
A Boat In Our Baggage subtitled Around the World with a Kayak by Maria Coffey describes fl ying around the world with a folding kayak and paddling in the Solomon Sea, Lake Malawai in Africa, the River Ganges in India, along the Danube and a final section in south-west Ireland. Some superb descriptive writing with evocative imagery. Dip into this before writing your next trip report.
Kabloona In The Yellow Kayak subtitled One Woman's Journey Through the Northwest Passage, by Victoria Jason. Victoria, who began sea kayaking at the tender age of 45, spent four years paddling much of the NW Passage. The first two years were with a dogmatic male paddler, the second two years solo, when she paddled down the Mackenzie River to the Beaufort Sea and east to Gjoa Haven. Tragically, the year Victoria was going to visit New Zealand, she died of a brain tumor. She has left a legacy of inspirational journeys with her wonderful writing.
Rowing to Latitude subtitled Journeys Along the Arctic's Edge, by Jill Fredston, is the paddling biography of a slip of an Alaskan girl who has more miles under her belt than most. Jill rows a double kayak, and with her husband Doug, has kayaked most of the Alaskan coast, made several trips to Labrador, the length of the Mackenzie River, along with the fi rst circumnavigation of Spitzbergen. Encounters with brown and polar bears, and insights into coastal communities on the Arctic coast make this a classic.
The Dreamtime Voyage, although I'm a tad biased with this story of the Round Australia Kayak Odyssey, it is still one of my favorites. As no publisher in Australasia or USA would touch it, with self publishing I was able to call the shots with the pics and layout. The big color photographs convey the vastness and beauty of the Australian coastline. I still find the end of the three big cliff sections quite moving, particularly when Lesley's diary describes this bloke, 'staggering from his kayak, nursing aching arms and shoulders, rashes on his backside, with knees and heels rubbed bare of skin down to the exposed blood vessels.' Must meet that bloke one day!
New Zealand Coastal History:
The Fjords of Fiordland by John Hall-Jones is a visually stunning hardback. This book recounts the history of Fiordland, our most grandiose and rugged scenery, from earliest times to the present day. It includes over 330 sketches, paintings and photographs, many of the latter taken by John from a double kayak. So good you can almost feel the sandflies!
Instruction Manuals:
The Complete Sea Kayaker's Handbook by Shelley Johnson, is a well illustrated guide to nearly all aspects of sea kayaking, and contains a good resources section.
Sea Kayak Rescue The Definitive Guide to Modern Reentry and Recovery Techniques, by Roger Schumann and Jan Shriner, is the best of the rescue books.
Skinboats of Greenland by H.C. Petersen, is a large format hardback, detailing all aspects of building and hunting from skin kayaks. (Petersen also has a softback on Instruction in Kayak Building, written in English, Greenlandic and Danish. To buy, see Books & Magazines.)
Baidarka by George Dyson, is a gorgeous book; the layout is visually stunning with a mix of old historical black and white photographs and sketches of early baidarka kayaks. It also contains color shots of George building modern baidarkas with aluminum tube and nylon skin. George lived for a while in the top of a very tall tree, near Vancouver.
Older Titles, now only available secondhand:
Enchanted Vagabonds by Dana Lamb, is the engrossing story of a trip from San Diego down the western seaboard of North America to the Panama Canal, with a side trip treasure hunting to Cocos Island. In 1933, Dana and his wife Ginger paddled/sailed a sort of kayak/canoe called Vagabunda from one adventure to another. One of the highlights is when they are chased by desperado bandits, who are out to claim life and limb, but are outwitted when Dana and Ginger pretend to be stranded on a mudflat.
The Heroes by Ronald McKie, tells the story of one of the most audacious and courageous raids in military history, a folding kayak limpet mine attack on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour. The team journeyed from Exmouth in north-western Australia on a confiscated fishing boat re-named Krait which, after the successful night time kayak raid, took them safely back to Exmouth.
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